• B. Fain, A. Chaehoi, A. Berthelot, T. Verdot, et al., “High-damped accelerometer based on squeeze-film damping and piezoresistive nanogauge detection for vibrating environments” , 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microactuators (TRANSDUCERS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 18-22 June 2017.
  • A. Chaehoi, M. Begbie, D. Weiland, Z. J. Chew, L. Li, “Multiple-output MEMS DC-DC converter: a system modeling study” , Microsystem Technologies (2012) 18, pp.801–1806.
  • A. Chaehoi, M. Begbie, D. Weiland, “Multiple-output MEMS DC-DC converter” , DTIP’11, Aix-en-Provence, France, 11-13 May 2011.
  • A. Chaehoi, M. Begbie, D. Weiland, D. O’Connell, S. Ray; Piezoresistive Sensors Development Using Monolithic CMOS MEMS Technology” , Sensors & Transducers journal (ISSN 1726-5479), Vol.11, Special Issue, April 2011, pp.42-51.
  • A. Chaehoi, D. Weiland, M. Begbie, S. Scherner, “MEMS DC-DC converter: A detailed CMOS mechanical co-simulation” , Smart System Integration, Dresden, Germany, 22-23 March 2011.
  • H. You, D. Weiland, M. Begbie, and A. Chaehoi, “Piezo-Acoustic Coupling Modelling of a MEMS DNA Delivery System Using Ultrasound” , 1st Fraunhofer Conference on Multiphysics Simulation, Bonn, Germany, 22nd – 23rd June 2010.
  • A. Chaehoi, D. O’Connell, D. Weiland, S. Buckshaw, M. Begbie; “Monolithc CMOS MEMS technology development: A piezoresistive-sensors case study” ; Microtech’10, Anaheim, California, 21st – 25th June, 2010, Vol.2 pp. 284-287.
  • A. Chaehoi; Nanotechnologies , The Institution of Engineering and Technology IET, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-86341-941-6; translation of the French book “Les Nanotechnologies” by Michel Wautelet.
  • D.Weiland, A. Chaehoi, S. Ray, D. O’Connell, M. Begbie, C. Wang; “BCB-based wafer-level packaging of integrated CMOS/SOI piezoresistive MEMS sensors” ; EMPC’09, Rimini, Italy, 15th - 18th June, 2009, pp. 1-5.
  • K. Kirk, A. Chaehoi, D. Cornez, M. Begbie, D. Hutson; "Characterisation and system-level simulation of piezoelectric aluminium nitride thin film MEMS structures" ; EuroMat’09, Glasgow, UK, 7th - 10th September 2009.
  • D.Weiland, C. Lowrie, G. Brown, S. Ray, A. Chaehoi, L. Li, M. Begbie, D. Uttamchandani, M. Desmulliez; “Passive structures for characterisation of SOI/MEMS process” ; MME’09, Toulouse, France, 20th – 22th September, 2009.
  • A. Chaehoi, D. Weiland, R. Adamson, M. Begbie, C. Lowrie, M. Desmulliez, G. Brown, L. Li, D. Uttamchandani; “On the design of an integrated monolithic 3-axis piezoresistive accelerometer on SOI” ; ESSDERC 2008, Edinburgh, September 2008.
  • D. Cornez, K. Kirk, A. Chaehoi, M. Begbie; "Electrical and optical characterisation of aluminium nitride piezoelectric films on silicon nitride membranes" ; Electroceramics XI, Manchester, 31th August - 4th September 2008.
  • A. Chaehoi, M. Begbie; “Study of a piezoelectric multimorph based micro-scanner” ; Journal of Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 14, No. 7, July 2008, pp. 963-969.
  • A. Chaehoi, M. Begbie, D. Cornez, K. Kirk; “Modeling of a piezoelectric micro-scanner” ; Design Test Integration and Packaging of MEMS / MOEMS DTIP’07, Stresa, Italy, April 25-27, pp.151-155.
  • O. Leman, A. Chaehoi, F. Mailly, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “Modeling and system-level simulation of a CMOS convective accelerometer” ; Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 51, Issues 11-12, 2007, pp. 1609-1617.
  • O.Leman, A. Chaehoi, F. Mailly, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “Modeling of a CMOS convective accelerometer for HDL integration” ; ESSDERC’06, Montreux (Switzerland) ; September 18-22, 2006
  • O.Leman, A. Chaehoi, F. Mailly, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “HDL simulation of a thermal accelerometer for system design” ; Eurosensors’06, Göteborg (Sweden) ; September 17-20, 2006, m3b-p5
  • A. Chaehoi, L. Latorre, F. Mailly, P. Nouet ; “Experimental and Finite –Element Study of Convective Accelerometer on CMOS” ; Sensors and Actuators A (132) 2006, pp 78-84
  • A. Chaehoi, S. Grieu, T. Talbert, B. Claudet et C. Joubert ; Utilisation de Maple V dans l'enseignement de l'automatique  ; J3EA Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systèmes (EDP Sciences, 2005) DOI:10.1051/j3ea:200618.
  • A. Chaehoi, N. Dumas, F. Mailly, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “Absolute Pitch Roll and Yaw Measurement on CMOS” ; IEEE Sensors’05, Irvine (California) ; October 31-November 03, 2005, pp.133-136
  • A. Chaehoi ; “Conception et modélis ation de MEMS monolithiques CMOS en technologie FSBM : application aux accéléromètres ; PhD thesis, 12 October 2005, LIRMM – Montpellier (France); http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00277563/fr/
  • A. Chaehoi, L. Latorre, F. Mailly, P. Nouet ; “Experimental and Finite –Element Study of Convective Accelerometer on CMOS” ; Eurosensors’05, Barcelona (Spain) ; September 11-14, 2005, mp. 23
  • A. Chaehoi, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “A Monolithic CMOS 3-Axis Axis Accelerometer Combining Piezoresistive and Heat Transfer Effect”  ; IEEE PRIME’05 : Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, Lausanne (Switzerland) ; July 25-28, 2005, pp. 219-222
  • A. Chaehoi, N. Dumas, F. Mailly, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “Accéléromètre thermique sur CMOS”  ; Atelier Microsystèmes pour applications embarquées, Centre de Compétence Technique du CNES ; 14-15 juin 2005
  • A. Chaehoi, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “Design of CMOS Cantilevers for Inertial Sensing” ; Euspen 2005:  5th international conference and 7th annual general meeting of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology ; Montpellier (France) ; May 8-11 2005, pp341-344
  • A. Chaehoi, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “Les accéléromètres MEMS”  ; 13ème session des journées des Doctorants de l’école doctorale Information Structure et Système (I2S), DOCTISS’05, Montpellier (France) ; 9 Mars 2005
  • A. Chaehoi, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “Cantilevers piezorésistifs pour capteurs inertiels”  ; 7ème Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral de Microélectronique, JNRDM’04, Marseille (France) ; 4-6 Mai 2004, pp.473-475
  • A. Chaehoi, L. Latorre, P. Nouet  ; “A CMOS MEMS Accelerometer with Bulk Micromachining” ; Eurosensors’04: 18th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Rome (Italy) ; January 28-30, 2004, pp.287-292
  • A. Chaehoi, L. Latorre, S. Baglio, P. Nouet ; “Piezoresistive CMOS Beams for inertial Sensing” ; IEEE Sensors’03, Toronto (Canada) ; October 22-24, 2003, pp.142-143
  • A. Chaehoi, Y. Bertrand, L. Latorre, P. Nouet ; “Improving the efficiency of the Oscillation-Based Test Methodology for Parametric Faults” ; LATW’03: 4th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop, Natal (Brazil) ; February 16-19, 2003, pp. 234-237
  • A. Chaehoi, L. Latorre, F. Azaï s, P. Nouet ; “Use of a Statistical Approach for Efficient Implementation of Oscillation Based Test Strategy” ; IMSTW’03: 9th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop, Sevilla (Spain), June 25-27, 2003, pp. 99-103
  • A. Chaehoi, T. Talbert, C. Joubert ; Le calcul formel avec Maple V, un complément pour l'enseignement des asservissements  ; Colloque sur l'Enseignement des Technologies et des sciences de l'information et des systèmes CETSIS; 29-30 Octobre 2001 ; Clermont-Ferrand – France ; p105-108, ISBN : 2-9517528-0-6